Sunday, 23 August 2015

Strobing: Dos and don'ts!

Strobing diagram.
Hello my loves! As requested and promised this is the second post on Strobing. You can see the first post here: Strobing! New trend - all you need to know & products! Sorry for taking so long to write a new post, but it is the summer and I thought I should relax a little bit!
What is strobing?

Firstly, strobe are devices used to produce regular flashes of light, like the continuous camera flash. So, by strobing we just want the light to reflect like tiny flashes of light on our faces. Which means... highlight your face to the maximum!
Before we get to the point, strobing depends on every face shape and don't forget that highlighting means making it look bigger, like wearing white trousers.

Let's start then!
  • Moisturise your skin very well. Use a little more product. Glowy face is want we want.
  • Use as much highlighter as possible. Multiple layers if possible.
  • You can start with a creamy product and set it with a powder.
  • Highlight the features you want to bring forward: middle of the fore head, highest part of the cheek bones, underneath your contour cubit's bow, lid, inner eye corners, brow bone, bridge and tip of the nose.
  • Use a little bit of shimmering blush to give your cheeks a blushed feeling.
  • Use some fix spray to set your makeup.
  • Do not highlight features you don't like on your face. If you have a broken nose you can avoid putting highlighter on it, because highlighting will just make it more noticeable.
  • If you have oily skin, avoid using creamy products. Avoid highlighting the areas that will start to shine and make sure you use a matte primer.
  • Don't over-overdo it, because you'll have the opposite result.
And we're done! Very simple and fun technique!
Let me know what you think about strobing!

I hope you found this post helpful! Please leave any comments or questions and pictures with your Strobing makeup in the comment section and don't forget to subscribe! <3
Remember to add more colours to your day, because life is beauty-full of colours!!!

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